Manmarziyaan on Star Plus in High Quality 18th August 2015
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Manmarziyaan on Star Plus in High Quality 18th August 2015 |
Star Plus Drama Manmaarziyan Full HD Video
The Star Plus Drama Manmarziyaan Episode begins with Radhika coming to Sam. Sam asks did I request that you sit. She says I got your mail, that you did this to spare me and I will see, yet I didn't, let me know why did you wed Arjun, to spare me from whom, I know reality, I know why you have done this, you felt you can conceal this from me. Manmarziyaan in Radhika says I m sorry Sam, I didn't wish to let you know, however… Sam says yet you couldn't live without touching off flame in my life. She tears the paper and says you went gaga for Arjun, you got desirous of me. Arjun takes a gander at the ring. Neil comes to him and asks is he occupied, he needs to talk. Arjun says proceed.
Manmarziyaan in Neil says you came in Sam's life, fell n adoration, made herextremely upset, and returned her life once more, I didn't say anything, then made disarray in the middle of Sam and Radhika, your rehash section has made me eager, Sam is my life, my closest companion, and Radhika is my Chashni, on the off chance that they both cry on account of you, I won't abandon you, better keep your wife cheerful and quit seeing Sam's fantasies. Manmarziyaan in Arjun inquires as to why, just you need to dream about Sam. Neil grins and says don't change the point, you got hitched, figure out how to keep the connection. Sam says I know not my things back, Arjun still cherishes me, this bangle is the verification.
Manmarziyaan in Radhika says you may have this bangle, yet his name sindoor is in maang. They contend. Arjun says marriage is kept where there is truth, fake connection can simply have acting. Neil says you kept the dramatization ring extremely safe. Arjun uproots the ring and it gets stuck. Neil snickers and says adoration has a strength, the more you attempt to dispose of it, it gets stuck, I trust I don't have to say much else. Manmarziyaan in Arjun says Arjun still adores me. Radhika asks truly, they why does he stay with me in room and wake me from his wheezes, on the off chance that he adores you, why does he have this connection with me. Sam grins and says relations break. Radhika says relations don't break, its late for you. Sam says get out. Arjun turns out and sees Sam requesting that Radhika get out.
Manmarziyaan in Sam takes a gander at him devastated. Radhika says this is Arjun's lodge, so he has right to say this. Sam says approve then and says Arjun I need to talk about demon pitch, I don't need junior learners here. Radhika asks by what means will students realize pitch then. Manmarziyaan in Sam says its Arjun's decision, me or her… Arjun takes a gander at them. He strolls to Sam and requests that Radhika go. Radhika gets shocked. He says I need to examine devil pitch with Sam. Radhika takes a gander at him and clears out.
Manmarziyaan in Radhika reviews Nandini and Arjun's words. She cries and sees Samrat. Samrat and Radhika talk in the bistro. Samrat inquires as to why did she wed Arjun. She reviews Nandini's retribution. He asks do you cherish Arjun. She gestures. Samrat says you know whats your issue, you can't lie convincingly, whats reality. She says that you would prefer not to say. He says please let me know, perhaps I can offer assistance. Manmarziyaan in Radhika says you can simply help me one thing, request that your girl avoid my spouse. He inquires as to why if I keep two significant others away, if Arjun and Sam adore one another, they ought to be as one. She says Arjun does not cherish Sam. He asks truly, does he adore you? Till you don't let me know reality, I can't keep them away. She says Arjun is hitched. He says I can't see Sam tragic, relational unions can't break, let me know reality, else I will favor Sam and Arjun, decision is yours.
Manmarziyaan in Samrat asks Radhika what is she concealing, she was Sam's companion, I viewed you as Sam, I guarantee to spare you from issues. She says its great not to say couple of things, as lives get demolished. He says what is that matter, please let me know, I know you are concealing something, go ahead. Manmarziyaan in Nandini comes there and says I let you know Radhika, you can't conceal it. Samrat gets stunned seeing her.
Manmarziyaan in Sam eats chocolates and Neil goes to her. He asks what is she doing. She asks what. He says I won't let this happen, don't arrange against Radhika. She says I need to destroy her, similar to she made meextremely upset. Manmarziyaan in Neil says this is not done. She asks is this done what she did with me, she grabbed Arjun, now its my turn. He says she wedded Arjun. She says its her issue. He says you can't do this. She says you need to bolster me, lets begin the new work with desserts. She clears out.
Manmarziyaan in Samrat asks Nandini what is she doing here. Nandini says her sibling and Bhabhi work here, so she now converse with Radhika. Samrat clears out. Nandini converses with Radhika and alarms her about Sam's satisfaction, extorting all her grinning. She says I know Samrat is concealing and seeing you. Samrat takes a gander at them. Manmarziyaan in Nandini says in the event that he feels there is some issue, he will go to its root, then he will tell Sam, Sam lost her family and companion, on the off chance that she loses her father, it will look terrible, if Piyali knows everything, it will demolish everything, a little truth can end everything. Radhika grins. Nandini says I knew you are savvy young lady, recollect your grin has Sam's satisfaction. Radhika turns and grins seeing Samrat. He clears out.
Radhika and Arjun are headed. Radhika approaches Arjun is she running for supper with Sam. He says you can't divide me and Sam